Nigeria Portacabin

Mobile Home Transport Nigeria - Prefab Homes And Portable Cabin Transport To Customers Nationwide

Mobile home transport, or more correctly, portable cabin and prefab home transport is an essential element in the prefab building construction business.

Remember . . .

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We manufacture portable cabins and prefab homes in our prefab factory based in Lagos Nigeria and then transport them to customers within and outside Lagos.

So, whether a customer lives within Lagos or outside Lagos, mobile home transport (or portable cabin transport) is a key element of the transaction.

This is pretty obvious, right?

Now the big question: How do we transport the finished portable cabin or prefab home to customers within and outside Lagos?

Portable Cabin Transport Mode

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Transportation of portable cabins and prefab homes in Nigeria is via our roads.

Heavy vehicles carry the completed prefab cabins from our factory in Lagos to the customer's site anywhere in Nigeria.

The kind of vehicle used depends on the size of the portacabin, metal building, or steel container.

portacabin transport nigeria

Usually, prefab cabins upto 20 feet (or 6 metres) long are carried using a self-loading truck like a Hiab truck. And portable cabins or metal buildings longer than 20 feet (or 6 metres) are carried using a 40 feet trailer.

What affects the prefab cabin or portable cabin transportation cost?

A key element is the size of the portacabin or prefab home.

As noted above, portable cabins less than 20 feet (or 6 metres) long can be carried by a self-loading truck like a Hiab.

The fact that the truck carrying the finished prefab cabin is self-loading means that the loading arm of the truck can load the portable cabin onto itself at our prefab factory and unload it when the truck gets to the destination of the portacabin. That is, at the customer's site.

However, if the portable cabin or prefab home is longer than 20 feet, a trailer will be used to transport the portacabin.

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Unfortunately, most trailers are not self-loading. And therefore, a crane will be called in to load the portable cabin on the trailer at the point of manufacture and another crane to unload the portable cabin at the destination of the portacabin or prefab home.

The implication of that is this . . . it is more expensive to transport a 40 feet portable cabin or metal building than it is to transport a 20 feet prefab cabin. 

Does this mean you should be scared of buying a 40 feet prefab cabin or container if you have the need for it?

Of course not!

If you need a 40 feet portable cabin or prefab home, don't let the mobile home transport cost stop you from buying one.

If what you need is a 20 feet or 30 feet portacabin, please go for it.

Naturally, you may want to ask: How do I reduce my portable cabin transport cost?

One way is to order onsite prefab building construction.

In fact, a great way to save money when buy portable cabins and prefab homes is to think in terms of reducing the overall acquisition cost and not just the transport.

Guess what.

We have put together some great tips to help buy smart in the prefab home buying tips section.

Ready to make that purchase?

Click HERE to request a quote and find out what it will cost to buy the portable cabin or prefab home size and design you want as well as the cost of shipping it to
your preferred destination.

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